
Best Wines in Italy By Region

Best Wines in Italy by Region (pt 1): Northern Italy

Learn more about the highest quality wines in northern Italy regions. I’m referring to DOCG and DOC wines in Piedmont, Veneto, Liguria, Lombardy, Trentino-Alto Adige, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Val D’Aosta. Without further ado, let’s dive right into wines!

dolomites, mountains, italy

Savory Traditional Dishes of Trentino, Italy

Trentino dishes are the result of years and years of influence of Austrian and Venetian cuisines so much so that sometimes it’s quite hard to define the origins of a dish. Traditional Trentino food is brought together by three elements: poor food, locally grown products and rigid winters.

Arco Castle: a Gem on Lake Garda, Trentino

Arco is a small town in Trentino, north of Italy. A real gem surrounded by the mountains, ideal if you’re planning to stay a few days on lake Garda and nearby. Here you will find things to do and see, tips and recommendations about everything you need to know before heading to Arco.

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